High Cortisol Output

Cortisol is a steroid hormone that affects numerous bodily processes, including metabolism and immunological response. It also plays a vital function in assisting the body's response to stress. Three inter-communicating regions of the body mainly control cortisol secretion: the hypothalamus in the brain, the pituitary, and the adrenal glands. This is called the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis. With extended stress, the body responds by producing more cortisol, resulting in subnormal DHEA levels. Studies showed that after 28 days of constant stress, cortisol levels had risen to 240 percent of starting values, while DHEA levels had decreased to 15 percent! of initial levels.
Prolonged elevation of cortisol causes the brain to lose sensitivity to cortisol and may no longer monitor its circulating status. Chronic stress affects your genes and epigenetics. High cortisol levels from stress reduce serotonin levels- the happy hormone. A woman may experience mood changes, be depressed, and have trouble sleeping.


Estrogen and Brain Health


Adrenal glands and Peri/Menopause