Adrenal glands and Peri/Menopause

Because the ovaries produce estrogen, adrenal health is critical during perimenopause and menopause. When the ovaries fail, the adrenal gland takes over. It may not work correctly due to perimenopause's hormonal ups and downs. This can disturb the HPA axis, which communicates between your brain and glands. Supporting your adrenal glands through nutrition, exercise, lifestyle, and root chakra can make it much simpler for the adrenal glands to cope and create fewer symptoms for you. When you reach menopause, the communication with your HPA axis and adrenals will calm down again.
Adrenal fatigue symptoms- difficulty waking up in the morning, craving salty food or sweets, a weak immune system, fatigue, feeling wired and tired, inability to relax, dark circles under the eyes, IBS, digestion issues, inability to concentrate, dizziness, constipation, inability to tolerate high heat or sunlight, unexplained hair loss, food cravings, panic attacks, low blood pressure, wake up in the middle of the night for no reason.

Tips- Eat a meal within an hour after waking, avoid high-impact exercise, get lots of sleep, and take magnesium bis-glycinate, B vitamins, Chaga and Ashwagandha. As we have gut and brain connections, probiotics would be helpful. Protein like organic turkey contains amino acids such as tryptophan, which relaxes the body, contributes to less stress, and reduces cortisol levels, which may help adrenal fatigue.


High Cortisol Output


History of Menopause