Estrogen and Brain Health

Estrogen is the primary growth hormone for female reproductive development, particularly estradiol. It is also the most potent and abundant estrogen in the body. Estrogen helps in the growth of cervical glands, endometrium, fallopian tubes, and vagina.
Let's discuss how low estrogen levels can affect women's brains. Estrogen has various effects on brain function. It regulates neurotransmitter function, glucose metabolism, synaptogenesis, brain aging, synaptic density, and cerebral blood flow and has anti-inflammatory effects. Estrogen protects neurons, keeps the blood-brain barrier functioning, and protects the brain against stroke damage and reductions in the quantities of "grey matter. Estrogen increases the density of synapses and dendritic spines in the hippocampal regions. When estrogen fails to activate the hypothalamus, the brain cannot regulate body temperature properly. This may lead to hot flashes and night sweats. Improperly activated brain stem due to low estrogen levels may cause disruptions in sleep patterns. High estrogen levels translate to more energy in the brain. When estrogen decreases, brain glucose levels may also decrease. Brain cells use glucose as fuel to function. The Mediterranean diet is the most excellent for slowing down the aging brain. "Through brain imaging.


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